Published By Ferhat Kanarya
Copyright © 2007 Ferhat Kanarya
All rights reserved.
1st Edition October 7, 2007
About the Author :
Ferhat Kanarya was born in 1970. After graduated computer engineering department in Istanbul Technical University, he started to work as a software developer.
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Table of Contents
The Shepherd's Monument and The Mysterious Inscription
Shugborough Hall and Anson Family
The Solution of The Shugborough Code
Quatrain 8,66 and Quatrain 6,68
The Links Between 866th Quatrain , 668th Quatrain and the Painting "Les Bergers D'Arcadie II"
Using The Key "O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V" To Find Hidden Characters in 866th and 668th Quatrains
The Real Code and The Solution
The Links Between Hagia Sophia , 866th Quatrain and The Shepherd's Monument Relief
Other Evidences That Verifying Hagia Sophia Connection
Appendix C : The Knights Templar
Where is the Holy Grail Hidden ?
This is one of the biggest mysteries of history. A lot of people searched it for hundreds of years.
My research started when I read a BBC news at November 2004 about The Shugborough Code and its the Holy Grail connection. The Shugborough Code was a real Da Vinci Code.
Chief among these are the beliefs that the connections between The Holy Grail and the secret societies (Priory of Sion , Knights Templar , Illuminati etc).
The Shugborough Code has been said to indicate the location of The Holy Grail because of the connections of The Anson Family, with the grand masters of the closed society of Knights Templar.
As additional , Nicolas Poussin (The Shepherd Monument's relief is based on his famous painting
"ET IN ARCADIA EGO") was believed to be a Grand Master of the Knights Templar, an order which captured Jerusalem during the Crusades and were known as the keepers of The Holy Grail.
I have spent about two years studying letters etched on the Shepherd's Monument in England.
At last, I decoded this mysterious inscription and I found the exact location of The Holy Grail.
Old Shepherd points the mysterious phrase
On the tomb that covers the secret of the Holy Grail
Others stand to guard the light of the truth
Origin of the mystery and the quest begins via a finger
I hope and wish that finishing of this big quest. Many people spend own life to find the Holy Grail. Many wars started for it. The Holy Grail is safed in a closed place now. Maybe , this is the best.
Ferhat Kanarya
The Author
(The Shugborough Code)
Shepherd's Monument sits in the gardens on the north side of Shugborough
Hall (the ancestral home of the Earls of Lichfield), Staffordshire in
Shepherd's Monument was commissioned in 1748 by the then earl, Thomas Anson (brother of Admiral George Anson, 1st Baron Anson), and carries a relief that shows a woman watching three shepherds pointing to a tomb and a mysterious inscription with the letters
inscribed below of relief.
The Shepherd’s Monument
relief is surrounded by a rustic arch. It is believed that Thomas
Wright instigated the design of onument, basing it on an idea
he published in 'Six Original Designs of Arbours' (1755).
The columns and Doric entablature with crestings of Shepherd's Monument were probably added in 1763 by James (Athenian) Stuart.
On the tomb is depicted the Latin text
"ET IN ARCADIA EGO" ("I am also in Arcadia" or "I am even in Arcadia").
The relief has a number of modifications ;
Most noticeably that it is reversed horizontally.
Another difference is a change in which letter of the tomb a shepherd is pointing at. In the painting The letter R in ARCADIA is being pointed to. The finger in the sculpture is broken, but was pointing to the N in IN.
The sculpture also adds an extra sarcophagus to the scene, placed on top of the one with the Latin phrase.
The Relief of The Shepherd’s Monument
Below the relief is the mysterious cryptic inscription etched on a marble tablet :
D• M•
The Mysterious Inscription (The Shugborough Code)
The inscription has been said to indicate the location of The Holy Grail.
Nicolas Poussin was believed to be a Grand Master of the Knights Templar, an order which captured Jerusalem during the Crusades and were known as the keepers of The Holy Grail.
Chief among these is the belief that the connections of the estate's creators, The Anson Family, with the grand masters of the closed society of Knights Templar.
For over 250 years, the cryptic inscription has exercised the minds of Britain's finest theologians, historians and scientists, including Charles Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood and, most recently, the Second World War code-breakers of Bletchley Park. But it has never been decoded.
Shugborough Hall
Shugborough Hall is the ancestral home of the Earls of Lichfield and it is situated in a river valley on the edge of Cannock Chase in the heart of Staffordshire, England.
It is Owned by the National Trust, the house is financed and administered by Staffordshire County Council.
In 1624, 8 acres of land together with a Manor House were purchased at the time by William Anson, a local lawyer, for the princely sum of £1000.
The story of Shugborough really begins 300 years ago in 1693 when William’s grandson, also called William (1656-1720) demolished the manor house and built a three-storied house, which forms the centre of the house today. The transformation of that medium sized country house into a magnificent Georgian Mansion was carried out between 1745 and 1748 by the architect Thomas Wright (1711-1786), who added the pavilions either side of the 17th century block.
It was the two great grandsons of the first William Anson who were responsible for these important changes. Thomas (1695 - 1773), born in 1695, inherited the house, and it is his passion for the classical arts, influenced by his grand tour of Europe, that we see reflected in the house today, particularly in the rococo plasterwork of the dining room and library. But it was his daring and adventurous brother George (1697 - 1762), born in 1697, who provided the funding for these alterations.
Anson joined the navy at the age of 14, and through his exciting navy
career brought fame, fortune and prestige to the Anson family name. In 1747 he
was created Lord Anson and in 1751 was promoted to the first Lord of the
Admiralty. We remember him best for his incredible voyage of circumnavigation
of the globe between 1740 – 1744. He bought back with him a beautiful
collection of Chinese wares, which is still displayed in the house today.
During that eventful voyage, Anson’s ship, the Centurion, after encountering many hardships and losing most of its crew, successfully fought and captured a Spanish treasure galleon (Nuestra Señora de Covadonga). The treasure amounting to £400,000, was one of the largest prizes ever taken at sea by an English captain. Some of his fortune was used to develop Shugborough and acquire more land.
George Anson
George Anson married Lady Elizabeth Yorke, daughter of the first Earl of Hardwick in 1748. They had no children and on his death his brother Thomas inherited the fortune. With this fortune Thomas was able to further his passion for classical architecture.
Thomas Anson was a founder member of the Dilettanti Society, established for the encouragement of Greek classical art. His friend James Stuart was commissioned to build a series of eight monuments in the parkland. He never married and on his death the estate passed on to his sister’s son George Adams. George Adams assumed the name and arms of Anson; when he died the estate became his son Thomas'. Thomas Anson made great changes to Shugborough.
Thomas Anson is listed nineteenth in the list of members of the Society of Dilettanti which was drawn up on the 6th March 1736. He joined at the same time as a Cheshire friend, William Degge, whose brother Simon had joined the Royal Society with him in 1730.
The Society of Dilettanti had been founded by Sir Francis Dashwood and other travellers in Italy including Charles Sackville, Earl of Middlesex and Lord Boyne, in 1731. At first it was a club for gentlemen who had visited Italy though Horace Walpole said the real qualification was that they were drunk. It only gradually started to promote serious interest in the arts of the classical world.
There are no records of Thomas Anson’s involvement with the Society, and yet the evidence of his support for James “Athenian” Stuart suggests he was a key figure in encouraging the Greek Revival.
James Stuart, later known as “Athenian Stuart”, and Nicholas Revett announced their plans to travel to Greece and measure and draw Greek architecture in 1748. They travelled to Greece in 1751, via Venice, where Sir James Gray, the British Resident, nominated them for membership of the Society of Dilettanti.
The first volume of the Antiquities of Athens (not published in 1762, and subscribed to by both Thomas and George Anson) illustrated mainly smaller late classical buildings which, by chance or design, were suitable for copying as garden monuments, or to supply features for other architectural projects.
The first pictorial
representation of "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" theme that was popularized in
16th-century Venice, now made more concrete and vivid by the inscription
"ET IN ARCADIA EGO", is (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri Guercino)'s
(1591 - 1666) version, painted between 1618 and 1622 (in the Galleria Nazionale
d'Arte Antica, Rome), in which the inscription gains force from the prominent
presence of a skull in the foreground, beneath which the words are carved.
Poussin's (1594 - 1665) own first version (Les Bergers d'Arcadie I) of the
painting (now in Chatsworth House, Chatsworth is close Shugborough) was
probably commissioned as a reworking of Guercino's version. It is in a far more
Baroque style than the later version, characteristic of Poussin's early work.
In the Chatsworth painting the shepherds are actively discovering the
half-hidden and overgrown tomb, and are reading the inscription with curious
expressions. The shepherdess, standing at the left, is posed in sexually
suggestive fashion, very different from her austere counterpart in the later
version. The later version has a far more geometric composition and the figures
are much more contemplative. The mask-like face of the shepherdess conforms to
the conventions of the Classical "Greek profile".
1685 it entered the collection of Louis XIV and over the next two
centuries inspired artists, writers and poets alike.
Les Bergers d'Arcadie I
Nicolas Poussin
In 1751, Thomas Hudson painted Lady Elizabeth Anson holding a partly rolled copy of an earlier Poussin painting on the same theme known as Les Bergers d'Arcadie I. The Duke of Devonshire owned the original Les Bergers d'Arcadie I at the time. He lived at Chatsworth, quite close to Shugborough.
Elizabeth Anson
It was this
painting which would be copied in bas-relief by Louis Deprez in the 19th
century for the monument conceived by Chateaubriand in Rome at San Lorenzo
in Lucina to mark Poussin's burial place.
The Tomb of Nicolas Poussin
Les Bergers d'Arcadie II
While the phrase "Et in Arcadia Ego" is a nominal phrase with no finite verb, it is a perfectly acceptable construction in Latin. Pseudohistorians unaware of that aspect of Latin grammar have concluded that the sentence is incomplete, missing a verb, and have speculated that it represents some esoteric message concealed in a (possibly anagrammatic) code.
Poussin's second biographer, Andre Felibien, interpreted “Et In Arcadia Ego” as: "This inscription emphasizes the fact that the person buried in this tomb has lived in Arcady".
In The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, under the false impression that "et in Arcadia ego" was not a proper Latin sentence, proposed that it is an anagram for "I! Tego arcana Dei", which translates to "Begone! I keep God's secrets", suggesting that the tomb contains the remains of Jesus or another important Biblical figure. They claimed that Poussin was privy to this secret and that he depicted an actual location. The authors did not explain why the tomb depicted in the second version of the painting should contain this secret while the distinctly different one in the first version presumably does not. Ultimately, this view is dismissed by art historians.
In their book The Tomb of God, Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger, developing these ideas, have theorized that the Latin sentence misses the word "sum". They argue that the extrapolated phrase Et in Arcadia ego sum could be an anagram for "Arcam Dei Tango Iesu", which would mean
"I touch the tomb of God — Jesus". Their argument assumes that:
1. the Latin phrase is incomplete
2. the extrapolation as to the missing words is correct
3. the sentence, once completed, is intended to be an anagram
4. Andrews and Schellenberger selected the proper anagram out of the thousands of possibilities.
Firstly , I began to think about "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase to solve the Shugborough Code. This phrase is believed that constructed in Latin. While the phrase "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" is a nominal phrase with no finite verb, it is a perfectly acceptable construction in Latin. Pseudohistorians unaware of that aspect of Latin grammar have concluded that the sentence is incomplete, missing a verb, and have speculated that it represents some esoteric message concealed in a (possibly anagrammatic) code.
"ET IN ARCADIA EGO" appears as the title of two paintings by Nicolas Poussin. The Shepherd’s Monument’s relief is adapted from an engraving of Poussin's second version. But it is a reverse copy of the painting.
It is said that Poussin is known to have sealed his correspondants with his personal insignia containing the motto "Tenet Confidentiam" or "Keeper of Secrets".
Which secret kept by Poussin ?
I thought that "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase is the starting point to help solving the mystery.
Nicolas Poussin's painting (Les Bergers d'Arcadie II) contains 4 human figures. There are 3 shepherd crooks in the painting and Poussin is painted them "IV" shape. Roman number "IV" equals number 4. What was the purpose of pointing of number 4 ?
I considered number 4 and I studied "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase.
"ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase contains 4 Roman numerals.
YHWV in Hebrew, YHWH or YHVH or JHWH or JHVH in English, JHWH in German
War, Famine, Pestilence, Death
A, B, O, AB
fire, air, water, earth
spring, summer, autumn, winter
night, morning, afternoon, evening
north, south, east, west
Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John
solid, liquid, gas, and plasma
You can add more items to the list.
Roman numerals are "I” , “C" , "D" and “I" in "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase (There are 4 Roman numerals).
The number values of Roman numerals "I” , “C” , “D” and “I" :
I - C - D - I = 1 - 100 - 500 - 1
and , the first characters of the numbers :
1 - 100 - 500 – 1 = 1151
Number 1151 equals Roman numerals "MCLI".
I replaced "ICDI" characters in "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase with "MCLI" characters :
The value of "ET MN ARCALIA EGO" phrase in Hebrew Gematria is 866.
The Discovery 1 : There is a link between Nicolas Poussin's painting and number 866.
The Shepherd's Monument gives the answer of this questions.
The second line of the monument's inscription contains "D.M." characters.
Nostradamus uses "D.M." characters in his 866th Quatrain in the first line ("D.M." characters in the last line of the Shepherd's Monument’s inscription).
Note : Nostradamus's prophecies (quatrains) have 4 lines !
866th Quatrain deals with 1 woman and 3 men (King, Queen, Prince Ulpian and Duke). Nicolas Poussin has painted 1 woman and 3 men in the painting "Les Bergers d'Arcadie II" too.
866th Quatrain deals with finding an inscription. The Shepherd's Monument has a mysterious inscription too.
The Discovery 2 : Number 866 points Nostradamus's 866th Quatrain.
Other evidences that verifying the discovery 2 and Nostradamus connection :
The evidence 1 :
I arranged "I" , "C" , "D" and "I" Roman numerals in "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase according to Roman numbering system :
DCII Roman number equals 602.
The sum of number 602 and number 206 (reverse of 602) :
602 + 206 = 808
There are only 42 Quatrains (58 Quatrains are missing) in seventh century in Nostradamus's book. 866th quatrain is placed in eighth century.
866th Quatrain is 808th Quatrain when considering missing 58 Quatrains :
866 – 58 = 808
Note : There are 5 stars and number 8 in the globe on the cover of Nostradamus's book (Benoist Rigaud 1568 Lyon Edition). 5 stars and number 8 point number 58.
When the Templars were disbanded, a silver head of a woman was found in a preceptory in Paris, and it bore an inscription CAPUT LVIII M (58m).
"A great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting the image of a woman. Inside were two head bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it. A label was attached, on which was written the legend CAPUT LVIII M . The bones inside were those of a rather small woman."
Oursel, Le Procés des Templiers
58 is an important number for Knights Templar. I will explain my examinations about the mysterious number 58 later.
The evidence 2 :
The value of the inscription "DOUOSVAVVM" of the Shepherd's Monument in Hebrew Gematria is 503.
The sum of number 503 and number 305 (reverse of 503) :
503 + 305 = 808
The evidence 3 :
The marble relief panel's measurements on The Shepherd’s Monument (according to National Recording Project of Public Monument and Sculpture Association) :
Width : 1.45 m.
Height : 1.8 m.
Depth : 6cm (0.06 m.)
The volume of the relief panel :
1.45 x 1.8 x 0.06 = 0.1566
Nostradamus is died in year 1566.
The sum of a number with its reverse is the main method.
The sum of number 866 and number 668 (reverse of 866) :
866 + 668 = 1534
Nostradamus is met Jules Cesar Scalinger at year 1534 in Agen. Jules Cesar Scalinger is one of the famous philosopher of Renassaince period. Scaliger was inviting him to spend some time at his home in Agen, invitation he eagerly accepted. Things went so well between the two men that Scaliger extended the invitation to remain as long as he wished, and offered him to share all he had acquired in terms of medical, scientific and metaphysical knowledge.
Nostradamus has gived Cesar name to own son. Year 1534 is a turning point for Nostradamus.
The mirror writing is a method that Priory of Sion (Order Sion) used. Leonardo da Vinci has wrote notebooks using mirror writing too.
The Discovery 3 : Number 808 points Nostradamus's 866th quatrain too. There is a link between Nicolas Poussin's painting , the inscription of the Shepherd's Monument and Nostradamus's 866th quatrain.
I have found "MCLI" characters for "ICDI" characters before.
The value of "MCLI" characters in Hebrew Gematria is 140.
Number 140 equals "CXL" Roman number.
The anagram of "CXL" characters is "CLX".
"CALIX" means cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking, chalice, cup of wine or pot in old Roman language and "CLX" characters are consonants of word "CALIX".
The subtraction of number 866 and number 668 :
866 - 668 = 140 (The value of "MCLI" characters in Hebrew Gematria)
You can see two hidden inscriptions on the old shepherd’s sandals if you transpose the Shepherd’s Monument’s relief :
"LI" and "CAX"
The Hidden Inscriptions, “CAX” and “LI”
"LICAX" is the anagram of "CALIX" Latin word.
The Discovery 4 : "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" phrase , 866th Quatrain and 668th Quatrain point the Holy Grail.
The real code has 3 parts :
Some characters that completing "ET MN ARCALIA EGO" Latin phrase is hidden in 866th Quatrain and 668th Quatrain.
The inscription "O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V" is the KEY.
It helps to find hidden characters and to solve the code finally.
866th Quatrain - Benoist Rigaud 1568 Lyon Edition
In English:
When the inscription D.M. is found
in the ancient cave, revealed by a lamp.
Law, the King and Prince Ulpian tried,
the Queen and Duke in the pavilion under cover.
Quatrain 6,68 - Benoist Rigaud 1568 Lyon Edition
In English :
When the soldiers in a seditious fury
Will cause steel to flash by night against their chief:
The enemy Alba acts with furious hand,
Then to vex Rome and seduce the principal ones.
Les Bergers d'Arcadie II
I gave “A” , “B” , “C” and “D” letters for human figures in Nicolas Poussin’s painting (Les Bergers d'Arcadie II) from the left to the right.
Human C is the second person from the right and points the left direction.
Human B’s finger points the inscription on the tomb. His right arm is painted like “V” shape.
“V” is one of the symbols of the Holy Grail. He is the second person from the left.
Human B is the old shepherd. “CALIX” inscription is placed on his sandals.
“V” letter is the first character of word “VLPIAN” (the second word from the right) at third line in 866th Quatrain. There is not another word that begins “V” letter in 866th Quatrain.
Human B is the second person from the right on the Shepherd’s Monument relief and He points left direction.
The Shepherd’s Monument relief points 866th Quatrain.
Persons has ordered from the right to the left and from the bottom to up starting “V” letter in 866th Quatrain :
PRINCE VLPIAN (Prince Ulpian),
ROI (King)
DUC (Duke)
ROGNE (Queen)
This ordering is compatible with the relief. The Queen is the first person from the left to the right.
“V” letter is the first character of word “VEXER” (the second word from the left) at fourth line in 668th Quatrain. There is not another word that begins “V” letter in 668th Quatrain.
Human B is the second person from the left on the painting “Les Bergers d'Arcadie II” and He points left direction.
The painting “Les Bergers d'Arcadie II” points 668th Quatrain.
“V” letter is starting point to find hidden characters in 866th and 668th Quatrains.
The third line in 866th Quatrain has 5 (roman numeral “V”) words (6 words with “&” sign).
The fourth line in 668th Quatrain has 5 (roman numeral “V”) words (6 words with “&” sign) too.
The shepherd crooks has shape “VI” (gives number 6) on the Shepherd’s Monument’s relief.
The shepherd crooks has shape “IV” (gives number 4) on the painting “Les Bergers d'Arcadie II”.
There is 3 crooks in the relief (and the painting too). The crooks point the real code that has 3 parts.
866th Quatrain
Search Method : from the right to the left and from the bottom to up
Starting Point : “V” character in the third line (the first character of word “VLPIAN”)
I took next character for “O” , “U” , “O” , “S” and “A” characters for dot sign. I took next 5 characters and 1 character (for dot sign) following that finding last character.
Note: I did not take 1 character (for the dot sign) for the last “V” character. Because the dot sign is not placed after the last “V” character.
.---- V S O
Note : "LDNAU" for "V" and "Q" for its dot sign
---- V.- ---V A
Note : "SUOSC" for "V" and "U" for its dot sign ,
"DENGO" for last "V"
Finally , The Hidden Characters :
There are 22 characters and 22 is the sacred number of the Kabbalah.
I deleted space characters in 866th Quatrain :
“S” and “P” characters is placed vertically.
“S” is the 22th character from the left in line 2.
“P” is the 22th character from the left in line 3.
“PS” points “Priory of Sion”.
668th Quatrain
Search Method : from the left to the right and from the up to bottom
Starting Point : “V” character in the fourth line (the first character of word “VEXER”)
I took next character for “O” , “U” , “O” , “S” and “A” characters for dot sign.
I took next 5 characters and 1 character (for dot sign) following that finding last character.
Note: I did not take 1 character (for the dot sign) for the last “V” character. Because the dot sign
is not placed after the last “V” character.
A V- ---.V- ---
Note : "TSFUR" for "V" and "E" for its dot sign
"URSED" for last "V"
Note : "CONTR" for "V" and "E" for its dot sign
Finally , The Hidden Characters :
There are 22 characters and 22 is the sacred number of the Kabbalah.
The Hidden characters begins with “M” and ends with “D”.
The first characters of the first three lines : “LCE”
“LCE” is anagram of word “CLE”.
“CLE” means “Key” in French.
The Real Code has three parts :
(The Hidden Characters in 866th Quatrain) + (The Hidden Characters in 668th Quatrain) +
("ET MN ARCALIA EGO" phrase)
The real code has 58 characters. The mysterious number 58 has used here too.
The anagram of the real code in French :
In English :
Dandolo (1107? – 1205) was the Doge of Venice from 1192 until his
death. He is remembered primarily for his role in the Fourth Crusade which
ultimately conquered Istanbul. He was buried
in Hagia Sophia in Istanbul in the upper Eastern gallery at
Vestibule section on opposite side of famous Deesis mosaic. His
tombstone is still visible today.
Enrico Dandolo
The Tombstone of Enrico Dandolo
The construction of Hagia Sophia completed in 537. Enrico Dandolo died 1205.
The subtraction of number 1205 and number 537 :
1205 - 537 = 668
Enrico Dandolo died 668 years later when the construction of Hagia Sophia completed.
Vestibule can have the following meanings, each primarily based upon a common origin, from early 17th century French, derived from Latin vestibulum, -i n. ‘entrance court.’
Means of Vestibule in Architecture :
a large entrance,
a lobby,
entrance hall,
passage between the outer door and the interior of a building,
a reception area,
an entry room
Enrico Dandolo was a doge. Doge is a dialectal Italian word that descends from the Latin dux (as does the English duke and the standard Italian duce), meaning "leader", especially in a military context.
There is a sarcophagus of an empress in the exonarthex (inner narthex) of Hagia Sophia.
It was originally located in the Church of the Pantocrator that was on the “fourth hill” of Istanbul.
It contained the remains of the Empress Eirene, the wife of the emperor John II Comnenus (A.D. 1118-1143).
“Empress” title indicates the wife of an emperor (king). This title equals the queen.
The narthex of a church is the entrance or lobby area, located at the end of the nave, at the far end from the church's main altar.
There are only two tombs in Hagia Sophia :
1. The tomb of Doge Enrico Dandolo : The Duke in 866th Quatrain
2. The tomb of Empress Eirene : The Queen in 866th Quatrain
866th Quatrain deals with the pavilion (vestibule , narthex) that covers a queen and a duke.
I found two inscriptions on the second column where looks toward the tomb of Enrico Dandolo :
“CAX” and “ILO”
Ancient Greek characters “ILO” equals Latin characters “ILO”.
The Inscription “CAX”
The anagram of words “CAX” and “ILO” is “O CALIX”
(The Holy Grail).
The anagram of “ILO” word is “LOI”. “LOI” word is placed in third line of 866th Quatrain.
The value of "LOI" word in Hebrew Gematria is 110 and number 110 equals Roman numerals "CX".
“CX” caharacters point word “CALIX” too.
“CAX” inscription is carved on the second column where looks toward Deesis mosaic symmetrically.
Deesis mosaics probably date from 1261. They mark the end of 57 years of Roman Catholic use and the return to the Orthodox faith. It is the third panel situated in the imperial enclosure of the upper galleries. They are considered the best in Hagia Sophia, because of the softness of the features, the humane expressions and the tones of the mosaic. The style is close to that of the Italian painters of the late 13th or early 14th century, such as Duccio. In this panel the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist (Ioannes Prodromos), both shown in three-quarters profile, are imploring the intercession of Jesus Pantocrator for humanity on the Last Judgment day. The bottom part of this mosaic is badly deteriorated. These mosaics are considered as the beginning of the Renaissance in Byzantine pictorial art.
The Inscription “ILO”
The Inscription “CAX” – Deesis Side
Deesis Mosaic
“CAX“ is the shown key that points the location of the Holy Grail. It is placed in the solution of the real code and on the sandal of the old shepherd in the Shepherd’s Monument relief.
There is a laurel carving on the
tomb in the Shepherd’s Monument relief differently from Nicolas Poussin’s
painting (Les Bergers d'Arcadie II). A laurel carving is placed on the next of
Deesis mosaic.
The Laurel Carving
The solution of the real code deals with a moon that covers the Holy Grail.
In architecture, a lunette (diminutive of French lune, "moon") is a half-moon shaped space, either masonry or void. A lunette is formed when a horizontal cornice transects a round-headed arch at the level of the imposts, where the arch springs. If a door is set within a round-headed arch, the space within the arch above the door, masonry or glass, is a lunette. If the door is a major access, and the lunette above is massive and deeply set, it may be called a tympanum.
There is a lunette between the tomb of Enrico Dandolo and Deesis mosaic in middle. This lunette is placed on the room that numbered as 49.
Note :
In 1847-49, the building was restored by two Swiss brothers, Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati. Fossati brothers have used Room 49 as workshop during the restoration of Hagia Sophia.
The Guard Cabin in front of The Room 49
Number 49 equals Roman numerals "IL".
The number values of Roman numerals “D” and “M" in the inscription of the Shepherd’s Monument and 866th Quatrain :
D - M = 500 - 1000
and , the first characters of the numbers :
500 – 1000 = 51
Number 51 equals Roman numerals "LI" and its reverse is “IL” (49).
There is “LI” inscription on one of sandals of the old shepherd too.
Roman Alphabet
“D” letter is 4th letter in Roman Alphabet.
“M” letter is 9th letter in Roman Alphabet after “D” letter.
“DM” points 49 (Roman numerals "IL") according to Roman Alphabet.
You can see the shepherd crooks like “IL” shape if you transpose the Shepherd’s Monument’s relief.
Ancient Greek characters “IL” equals Latin characters “IL”.
main lines like “IL”
shape in the palm of the right hand of Human. Symbol “IL” will live forever to Armageddon. It is
very appropriate symbol to point the Holy Grail. Because the right hand holds a
cup generally. There is a red right hand carving on a column in the lower
gallery of Hagia Sophia. It can point to this symbolism. Latin word “CALIX”
(chalice) has 5 letters. The hand has 5 finger too.
The Key "O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V" is on the “D.M.” (points “IL”) characters and The Lunette is on the Room 49 (IL).
The Hand Print in Hagia Sophia
As summary , The relief on the Shepherd’s Monument is the composition of the place that covers the Holy Grail :
1. The tomb
2. “CAX” and “IL” inscriptions
3. The laurel
4. Deesis mosaic (Three people stand in the relief. They point Deesis mosaic)
5. The old shepherd kneels in the relief. He points Enrico Dandolo.
I deleted space characters in 668th Quatrain :
“D” and “M” characters is placed vertically. There are “H” and “S” letters between “D” and “M” letters.
“H” is the first character of word “Hagia”
“S” is the first character of word “Sophia”
“S” is the first character of word “Shugborough”
“H” is the first character of word “Hall”
Baphomet is a name of mixed provenance. It first appeared in trial transcripts during the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the 1300s.
"Baphomet" rendered in Hebrew is בפומת; interpreted using Atbash, it becomes שופיא, which can be interpreted as the Greek word "Sophia", or wisdom.
“Hagia Sophia” (Ancient Greek) means “Holy Wisdom”.
Roman numerals is "VVV" in the key "OUOSVAVV".
The number values of Roman numerals "V” , “V” and “V" :
V - V - V = 5 - 5 - 5
and , the first characters of the numbers :
5 - 5 - 5 = 555
Number 555 equals Roman numerals "DLV".
I replaced "DLV" characters in "OUOSVAVV" key with "VVV" characters :
The value of "OUOSDALV" phrase in Hebrew Gematria is 481.
The value of "AGIA SOPHIA” name in Hebrew Gematria is 481 too.
Hagia Sophia has remained as a mosque for 481 years.
Note :
Clovis I (c. 466 – 27 November 511) was the first King of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one ruler. He succeeded his father Childeric I in 481. He is considered the founder both of France (which his state closely resembled geographically at his death) and the Merovingian dynasty which ruled the Franks for the next two centuries.
Hagia Sophia (Ancient Greek: αγία Σοφία; "Holy Wisdom", Turkish: Ayasofya) is a former patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, now a museum, in Istanbul, Turkey. Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It was the largest cathedral in the world for nearly a thousand years, until the completion of the Medieval Seville Cathedral in 1520.
The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, and was in fact the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site (the previous two had both been destroyed by riots). It was designed by two architects, Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. The Church contained a large collection of holy relics and featured, among other things, a 50-foot (15 m) silver iconostasis. It was the patriarchal church of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the religious focus point of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire for nearly 1000 years.
1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks and Sultan Mehmed
II ordered the building to be converted into a mosque. The bells, altar,
iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels were removed, and many of the mosaics were
eventually plastered over. The Islamic features - such as the mihrab, the
minbar, and the four minarets outside - were added over the course of its
history under the Ottomans. It remained as a mosque until 1935, when it was
converted into a museum by the secular Republic of Turkey.
Hagia Sophia is one of the greatest surviving examples of Byzantine architecture. Of great artistic value was its decorated interior with mosaics and marble pillars and coverings. The temple itself was so richly and artistically decorated that Justinian proclaimed "Solomon, I have surpassed thee!" (Νενίκηκά σε Σολομών).
The vast interior has a complex structure. The vast nave is covered by a central dome which has a maximum diameter of 31.24 meters and a height from floor level of 55.60 meters, about one fourth smaller than the dome of the Pantheon. The dome seems rendered weightless by the unbroken arcade of 40 arched windows under it, which help flood the colorful interior with light.
In 1847-49, the building was restored by two Swiss brothers, Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati, and Sultan Abdülmecid allowed them to also document any mosaics they might discover during this process. This work did not include repairing the mosaics and after recording the details about an image, the Fossatis painted it over again. This work included covering the previously uncovered faces of two seraphim mosaics located in the centre of the building. The building currently features a total of four of these images and two of them are restorations in paint created by the Fossatis to replace two images of which they could find no surviving remains. In other cases, the Fossatis recreated damaged decorative mosaic patterns in paint, sometimes redesigning them in the process. The Fossati records are the primary sources about a number of mosaic images now believed to have been completely or partially destroyed in an earthquake in 1894. These include a great mosaic of Christ Pantocrator in the dome, a mosaic over a now unidentified Door of the Poor, a large image of a jewel-encrusted cross and a large number of images of angels, saints, patriarchs, and church fathers. Most of the missing images were located in the building's two tympana. The Fossatis also added a pulpit (minbar) and the four large medallions on the walls of the nave bearing the names of Muhammad and Islam's first caliphs.
Hagia Sophia
The Dome of Hagia Sophia
My examinations on the Number 58 :
Nostradamus is died in year 1566. 58 is the multiplier of number 1566 :
1566 = 27 * 58
Also, the sum of number 27 and number 58 :
27 + 58 = 85
85 is the reverse of 58.
Nostradamus lived 62 (LXII) years, 6 (VI) months, 17 (XVII) days according to his tombstone.
The tombstone of Nostradamus
The sum of number 62 , number 6 and number 17 :
62 + 6 +17 = 85
85 is the reverse of 58.
The sum of Jesus and his disciplines :
1 + 12 = 13
5 + 8 = 13
There are 40 windows at the dome of Hagia Sophia. The multipliers of number 40 :
5 * 8 = 40
The sum of number 866 and number 668 (reverse of 866) :
866 + 668 = 1534
Dividing to 2 parts of Number 1534 :
15 and 34
The sum of number 15 and number 34 :
15 + 34 = 49 (IL)
The sum of number 15 and number 43 (reverse of number 34) :
15 + 43 = 58
There are 5 stars and number 8 in the globe on the cover of Nostradamus's book (Benoist Rigaud 1568 Lyon Edition). 5 stars and number 8 point number 58.
Benoist Rigaud 1568 Lyon
Nicolas Poussin has painted "The Institution of the Eucharist" in year 1640 (in era of Louis XIII ). This painting based on the last supper. There are 8 people at left side and 5 people at right side of the Holy Grail. The huge altarpiece was painted for the Sainte-Chapelle in Saint-Germaine-en-Laye. The painting is placed in Louvre Palace in 1792.
Institution of the Eucharist
Gematria (Hebrew גימטריה, from the Greek γεωμετρία) is numerology of the Hebrew language and Hebrew alphabet, and is used by its proponents to derive meaning or relative relationship. Several forms can be identified: the "revealed" form and the "mystical form". The word itself comes from the Greek word 'geometry' and the concept or system is the same as the Greek isopsephy. There is also a gematria of Latin-script languages, dating from the early Middle Ages, and very possibly back into Roman times, too.
The most common form of gematria is used occasionally in the Talmud and Midrash and elaborately by many post-Talmudic commentators. It involves reading words and sentences as numbers, assigning numerical instead of phonetic value to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Gematria is a system of recognizing a correspondence between the ten sefirot, or fires of God, and the twenty two letters in the Hebrew alphabet. This system is elaborated in many mystical Jewish writings such as the Zohar.
The Translation Code
Number Value |
Hebrew |
Glyph |
Latin |
Aleph |
א |
A |
Bet |
ב |
B |
Gimel |
ג |
D |
Daled |
ד |
G |
He |
ה |
H |
Waw |
ו |
V |
Zayin |
ז |
Z |
Heth |
ח |
X |
Teth |
ט |
J |
Yodh |
י |
I |
Kaph |
כ, ך |
K |
Lamed |
ל |
L |
Mem |
מ, ם |
M |
Nun |
נ, ן |
N |
Samekh |
ס |
C |
Ayin |
ע |
O |
Pe |
פ, ף |
P |
Tsadi |
צ, ץ |
F |
Qoph |
ק |
Q |
Resh |
ר |
R |
Shin |
ש |
S |
Taw |
ת |
T |
Hebrew Gematria Calculator - John Opsopaus
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici), popularly known as the Knights Templar or the Order of the Temple (French: Ordre du Temple or Templiers), were among the most famous of the Christian military orders.
The organization existed for approximately two centuries in the Middle Ages. It was created in the aftermath of the First Crusade of 1096, to ensure the safety of the large numbers of European pilgrims who flowed toward Jerusalem after its conquest.
Officially endorsed by the church in 1129, the Order became a favored charity across Europe. It grew rapidly in membership and power. Templar knights, easily recognizable in their white mantle with a distinct red cross, made some of the best equipped, trained, and disciplined fighting units of the Crusades. Non-warrior members of the Order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, innovating many financial techniques that were an early form of banking, and building numerous fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.
Templars' success was tied closely to the success of the Crusades. When the
Holy Land was lost and the Templars suffered crushing defeats, support for the
Order's existence faded. Rumors about the Templars' secret initiation ceremony
created mistrust, and King Philip IV of France, deeply in debt to the Order,
began pressuring Pope Clement V to take action. On Friday, October 13, 1307,
King Philip had many of the Order's members, including the Grand Master Jacques
de Molay, arrested, tortured into "confessions", and burned at the
stake. In 1312, Pope Clement, under continuing pressure from King Philip,
forcibly disbanded the entire Order.
The Knights Templar Seal
After the First Crusade resulted in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, many European pilgrims headed for the area to visit what they referred to as The Holy Places. But although the city was under relative control, the rest of the Outremer was not. Bandits abounded, and pilgrims were routinely slaughtered, sometimes by the hundreds, as they attempted to make the journey from the coastline at Jaffa into the Holy Land.
Around 1119, French knight Hugues de Payens and his relative Godfrey de Saint-Omer, veterans of the First Crusade, proposed the creation of a monastic order for the protection of these pilgrims. King Baldwin II of Jerusalem agreed to their request, and gave them a headquarters in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, in the captured Al Aqsa Mosque. The Temple Mount had a mystique, because it was above what was believed to be the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. The Crusaders therefore referred to the Al Aqsa Mosque as Solomon's Temple, and it was from this location that the Order took its name of Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, or "Templar" knights. With few financial resources, the tiny Order of approximately nine knights had to rely on donations to survive. Their emblem displayed two knights riding on a single horse, emphasizing their poverty.
Templars' impoverished status did not last long. The Order had a powerful
patron in Bernard of Clairvaux, a leading church figure and a nephew of one of
the founding knights. He spoke and wrote persuasively on their behalf, and in
1129 at the Council of Troyes, the Order was officially endorsed by the church.
With this formal blessing, the Templars became a favored charity across Europe,
receiving money, land, businesses, and noble-born sons from families who were
eager to help with the fight in the Holy Land. Another major benefit came in
1139, when Pope Innocent II's papal bull Omne Datum Optimum exempted the Order
from obedience to local laws. This ruling meant that the Templars could pass
freely through all borders, were not required to pay any taxes, and were exempt
from all authority except that of the Pope.
A Templar Knight
1187's Battle of the Horns of Hattin, the turning point in the Crusades. In the mid-1100s, the tide began turning in the Crusades. The Muslim world was more united under effective leaders such as Saladin, and dissension rose between the Christian factions. The Knights Templar were occasionally at odds with the two other great Christian orders, the Knights Hospitaller and the Teutonic Knights, and decades of internecine feuds weakened the Christian positions. After several disastrous battles including the pivotal Battle of the Horns of Hattin, Jerusalem was lost to Saladin in 1187. The Crusaders retook the city in 1229 (without Templar help), but held it just briefly. In 1244, the Khawarizmi Turks recaptured Jerusalem, and the city would not again be under Christian control, until 1917 when the British took control from the Ottoman Turks.
The Templars were forced to relocate their headquarters to other cities in the north, such as the seaport of Acre, which they held for the next century. But they lost that too in 1291, followed by their last mainland strongholds, Tortosa (in what is now Syria) and Atlit. This left them with only an offshore headquarters in Limassol, Cyprus,[14] and a garrison on tiny Arwad Island, just off the coast from Tortosa. They tried to establish an alliance with the Mongols,[15] and attempted to build a new invasion force at Arwad. In 1302, however, they lost that island as well, their last foothold in the Holy Land.
Arrests and dissolution
Philip IV of France (1268–1314)In 1305, the new Pope Clement V, based in
France, sent letters to both Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay and
Hospitaller Grand Master Fulk de Villaret, discussing the possibility of a
merging of the two Orders. Neither was amenable to the idea, but Pope Clement
persisted, and in 1306 he invited both Grand Masters to France to discuss the
matter. De Molay arrived first, in early 1307, though de Villaret was delayed
for several months. While waiting for him, De Molay and Clement discussed
charges that had been made two years earlier by an ousted Templar. It was
generally agreed that the charges were false, but Clement wrote to King Philip
IV of France, also known as Phillip the Fair, to request his help in the
investigation. King Philip, however, decided to seize upon the Templar rumors
for his own financial needs.
King Philip IV
He was deeply in debt to the Templars as a result of his war with the English, and he began pressuring the church to take action against the Order in order to free himself from his debts.
On Friday, October 13, 1307 (a date incorrectly linked to the origin of the Friday the 13th legend), Philip had Jacques de Molay and scores of other French Templars simultaneously arrested, charged with numerous heresies, and tortured, forcing false confessions of various blasphemies. Despite the fact that the confessions had been produced under duress, they caused a scandal in Paris. In response to more bullying from King Philip, Pope Clement then issued the bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets.
Papal hearings were convened to determine the Templars' guilt or innocence. Once freed of the Inquisitors' torture, many Templars recanted their confessions. Some had sufficient legal experience to defend themselves in the trials, but Philip wouldn't allow it, and in 1310 used the previously forced confessions to have dozens of Templars burned at the stake in Paris.
With Philip threatening military action unless the Pope agreed to comply with his wishes, Clement finally agreed to disband the Order, citing the public scandal that had been generated by the confessions. At the Council of Vienne in 1312, he issued a series of papal bulls, including Vox in excelso, which officially dissolved the Order, and Ad providam, which turned over most Templar assets to the Hospitallers.
Convent of Christ in Castle Tomar, Portugal. Built in 1160 as a stronghold for the Knights Templar, it became the headquarters of the renamed Order of Christ. In 1983, it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As for the last remaining leaders of the Order, the elderly Grand Master Jacques de Molay, who had confessed under torture, retracted his statement. His associate Geoffrey de Charney, Preceptor of Normandy, followed de Molay's example and did the same, insisting on his innocence. Both men were declared guilty of being relapsed heretics, and sentenced to death by being burned alive at the stake in Paris on March 18, 1314.
Legends and relics
The Knights Templar have become associated with legends concerning secrets and mysteries handed down to the select from ancient times. Rumors circulated even during the time of the Templars themselves. Freemasonic writers added their own speculations in the 19th century, and further fictional embellishments have been added in modern movies and best-selling novels such as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Ivanhoe, National Treasure, Foucault's Pendulum, The Last Templar, and The Da Vinci Code.
The best known of the Templar legends are connected with the Order's early occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and speculation about what relics the Templars may have found there, such as the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant. That the Templars were known to be in possession of some relics is certain. Even today, many churches display relics such as the bones of a saint, a scrap of cloth that a holy man once wore, or perhaps even the skull of a martyr. The Templars did the same. They were documented as having a piece of the True Cross, which the Bishop of Acre carried into battle with them at the disastrous Horns of Hattin. When the battle was lost, Saladin captured the relic, which was then ransomed back to the Crusaders when the Muslims surrendered the city of Acre in 1191. They were also known to possess the head of Saint Euphemia of Chalcedon. The subject of relics also came up during the Inquisition of the Templars, as several trial documents refer to the worship of an idol of some type, referred to in some cases as a severed head, and in some cases as Baphomet.
There was particular interest during the Crusader era in the Holy Grail myth, which was quickly associated with the Templars, even in the 12th century. The first Grail romance, the fantasy story Le Conte du Graal, was written in 1180 by Chrétien de Troyes, who came from the same area where the Council of Troyes had officially sanctioned the Templars' Order. In Arthurian legend, the hero of the Grail quest, Sir Galahad (a 13th-century literary invention of monks from St. Bernard's Cistercian Order), was depicted bearing a shield with the cross of Saint George, similar to the Templars' insignia. In a chivalric epic of the period, Parzival, Wolfram von Eschenbach refers to Templars guarding the Grail Kingdom. A legend developed that since the Templars had their headquarters at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, they must have excavated in search of relics, found the Grail, and then proceeded to keep it in secret and guard it with their lives. However, there is no historical record of the Templars ever having the Holy Grail in their possession. In the extensive documents of the Templar inquisition, there was never a single mention of anything like a Grail relic, and most scholars agree that the story of the Grail was just that—a fiction that began circulating in medieval times. One legendary artifact that does have some connection with the Templars is the Shroud of Turin. In 1357, the shroud was first publicly displayed by the family of the grandson of Geoffrey de Charney, the Templar who had been burned at the stake with the Order's last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in 1314. The artifact's origins are still a matter of controversy, but carbon dating indicates that the shroud may have been made between 1260 and 1390, a span that includes the last half-century of the Templars.
This book uses materials to give general informations from ,
Wikipedia articles, "Et in Arcadia ego", "Holy Grail", "Hagia Sophia", “Knights Templar”.
668th Quatrain, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 29
866th Quatrain, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28
Andre Felibien, 10
Anson Family, 3, 5, 6
Antiquities of Athens, 7
Baphomet, 29
CALIX, 15, 17, 24, 28
CAX, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28
Centurion, 6
Charles Sackville, 7
Chateaubriand, 9
Chatsworth, 8, 9
Constantinople, 30
Deesis, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28
Dilettanti Society, 7
doge, 23
Elizabeth Anson, 9
Empress, 23
Enrico Dandolo, 22
ET IN ARCADIA EGO, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15
Fossati, 26, 31
Fourth Crusade, 22
Francis Dashwood, 7
George Adams, 7
George Anson, 4, 6, 7
Guercino, 8
Hagia Sophia, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33
Hebrew Gematria, 12, 14, 15, 24, 29
Holy Grail, 3, 5, 10, 15, 17, 24, 26, 28, 34
Holy Wisdom, 29, 30
Istanbul, 22, 23, 30
ILO, 23
James (Athenian) Stuart, 4
James Gray, 7
Jules Cesar Scalinger, 14
Justinian, 30, 31
Knights Templar, 3, 5, 13, 29
laurel, 26, 28
Leonardo da Vinci, 14
Les Bergers d'Arcadie I, 8, 9
Les Bergers d'Arcadie II, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 26
Lord Boyne, 7
Louis XIV, 8
Louvre, 34
lunette, 26
narthex, 23
Nicholas Revett, 7
Nicolas Poussin, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 26, 34
Nostradamus, 13, 14, 32, 33
Priory of Sion, 3, 14, 19
Real Code, 21
Room 49, 26, 28
San Lorenzo in Lucina, 9
shepherd crooks, 11, 18, 28
Shepherd Monument, 3
Shugborough Code, 3, 4, 5, 11
Shugborough Hall, 4, 6
Staffordshire, 4, 6
Thomas Anson, 4, 7
Thomas Hudson, 9
Thomas Wright, 4, 6
Venice, 7, 8, 22
Vestibule, 22
William Anson, 6